Thursday 22 September 2016

Big Art Dump

I've been terrible at updating this!

Here's some work from released games I've been working on, first, The Division, where I made all assets for the church exteriors in game as well as some interior layouts (offices, apartments) and level dressing too. I also worked on the control room of Grand Central and parts of the UN mission.

Then, as a total contrast, I moved departments to the small team upstairs to work on BUD's new adventure, Grow Up! I made all the plants, creatures, five of BUD's suits and his new satellite sidekick, POD! My article was posted on Playstation's blog here. It was great to work on a non-violent game - I hope it'll be the first of many! Screenshots are from the Steam community, great to see people enjoying the game.

Then there's some 2D stuff to finish. Thanks for taking a look. Please leave any feedback in the comments section :)

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Thursday 14 August 2014

Lunchtime Speed Modelling

Reflections now have a speed modelling challenge every week, below are some of my entries this month:

Bone crossbow, 3 hours modelling, 1 hour texturing and rendering in Marmoset

Lucky Bamboo, 1 hour modelling, 30mins texturing, 20 mins rendering

Chess piece - Knight. 1 hour modelling, no textures / rendering.

 These were done as quick exercises without much attention to detail - there are many things I know I could do better if I had a longer time limit. Might make a high poly of that crossbow - I think it's from a movie but I don't know which, I just copied a cool reference!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Viper WIP

I've been working on a Battlestar Galactica Viper and launch tube environment. Getting there! Nearly finished the white painted texture, mesh is finished and unwrapped.

Trying to keep it as accurate as possible from the few references I can find. Good excuse to watch the TV series again too. References.. yes.. This will be hooked up to the oculus rift for final presentation.